. <b><i>PERIODONTICS</i></b> : Free website about actual knowledge of dentistry. Everything you want to know about : tooth, brace, pain, decay, implant, prosthesis.
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Periodontics is the subject that deals with tissues surronding and supporting the tooth. Periodontists improve gums and alveolar bone.
This includes dental hygiene, scale, surgical curative cares, and eventual prosthetic cares.
This is a large subject.
Dentist's duty is to detect periodontal troubles and sometimes to direct to a periodontist.
Periodontists have many means of analysis as Periodontal Susceptibility Test. That genetic test evaluates periodontal risk with a simple saliva sample on specially treated paper directed then to an analysis laboratory.
Another fact we have to deal with is the consumption of tobacco.
Smoke decreases blood supply therefore decreases oxygen supply and decreases also defence mechanisms as phagocytosis.
Nicotine causes a disorder of collagen metabolism.
So to have healthy gums and for many other reasons it is better to stop smoking.